Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving (US)

Wishing everybody in the US a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Probably not going to be writing much this week, but when I have a the free time, if I'm not rendering graphics I'll be writing...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Baby steps....

This weekend I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted.  Although I worked a bit on Extenuating Circumstances, compared to what I got done over the week it was next to nothing  :/  Was able to work on 0101 (Chapter 01, Part 01) a bit yesterday and hope to continue with the editing the rest of the week.  I don't have plans for Thanksgiving, so hoping to get some writing done then as well before the holiday rush is upon us.

I still want to get ALL of Chapter 01 published this year...but each day makes me wonder if I'll hit that personal deadline.  I should be able to get SOME of it out, but not sure about all three parts.  Then again, Part 01 is the largest...the other two really are minor compared to it in should go faster once I get through the mountain that is Part 01!

And then it will be Lapdancing 06's turn!

Friday, November 14, 2014

So far a productive week!

This week with Veteran's Day (thank you all for your support) it's been pretty slow at work, as such, I have actually gotten a LOT done in terms of writing.  Nothing that anybody might be interested in, much of the time I have been spending editing the hard copy of Extenuating Circumstances 0101 (Ch. 01, Part 01) and then transcribing it.  But again, progress is progress and every little bit of time I put into it means the closer it is in getting out to a few people for review and then published on Literotica!

In addition, my Muse has been lighting a fire under my ass in terms of the rest of Extenuating Circumstances.  This entire week I've been expanding my outline of the entire story on how it will flow.  Last week I had some major writer's block not only for Chapter 02, but the continuation of the story.  Thanks to some suggestions by Captain Billy I now know exactly how Chapter 02 will pan out.  It will probably be another 2-3 part chapter (seems to be the trend with the EC story thus far), but it will tie in nicely with a few more references to Lapdancing Girlfriend and the "Diamond Universe." LOL.

I'm still not sure how much Lapdancing and Extenuating will cross into each other, but at least there will be some references into the two...but as to whether Diamond will meet up with her sister in either story I still don't know.

Although I HATE giving ETA's, my goal is to have EC 0101, EC0102, EC0103 AND Lapdancing 06 out before the end of the year.  I hated realizing I haven't published ANYTHING this year, so hope to end the year with a bang and get out a few stories.  Again, no hard and fast promises, but I have a dream....

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Even weeks I've done nothing, that isn't necessarily true...

I've received a few e-mails that lends me to believe my last few posts were somewhat misunderstood.

When I say I worked a little on a story, what that typically means is I've invested anywhere from 1-2 hours a day on it.  This is usually during the week when I am at work, where I will do some editing to the printed hard copy of my stories fixing grammar, spelling, and overall continuity of the story.

For example, to take a paragraph from Extenuating Circumstances 0101 (Ch. 01, Part 01).  Here was the original paragraph:
Part of her anxiety was not being comfortable flaunting her body so openly.  Normally her attire was conservative, and when she was more 'properly' dressed she did not mind the glances of other men--even a a married woman enjoyed knowing she was attractive.  But dressed in such a revealing outfit definitely changed the rules of the game, so-to-speak.  Under other circumstances she would have worn a high-necked dress extending at least down to her knees, and although many of her outfits were tight-fitting and showed off her body, even the sexiest outfits she had worn exposed less than a quarter of her body, whilst her current dress exposed well over half of her tanned flesh, making her feel practically naked before every pair of male eyes in the room.
Reading through the hard copy, I made the following edits:
Part of her anxiety was not being uncomfortable flaunting her body so openly.  Normally her attire was she dressed conservatively, and when she was more 'properly' dressed she so did not mind the glances of other men--even a a married woman enjoyed knowing she was attractive.  But dressed in such a revealing outfit definitely changed the rules of the game, so-to-speak.  Under other circumstances Whereas ordinarily she would have worn a high-necked dress extending at least down to her knees, and although many of her outfits were tight-fitting and showed off her body, even the sexiest outfits she had worn exposed less than a quarter of her body, whilst her current dress exposed well over half of her tanned flesh, making her feel practically naked before every pair of male eyes in the room.
Even then, when I transcribe it to the digital working copy, I make changes.  Here is what I consider the "final" edit, prior to some of you getting a chance to review/edit it:
Her anxiety arose from being uncomfortable flaunting her body so openly.  Normally she dressed much more conservatively, so did not mind the glances of other men—even a married woman enjoyed knowing she was attractive.  But being dressed in such a revealing outfit changed the rules of the game, so-to-speak.  Whereas ordinarily she would have worn a high-necked dress extending at least down to her knees, her current dress exposed well over half of her tanned flesh, making her feel practically naked in the room.
On average I will work on a story for 1-6 hours A WEEK at work.  It's difficult sitting at a desk working on an erotic story and people walking around.  For one thing, I don't want them to see what I'm writing, and for another thing, I don't want to be sitting there with a hard-on, LOL. But rest assured, when I say I worked on something "a little" I am putting several hours investment on a story.

In the evenings, time permitting, I typically do the transcribing like above, where I'll take the hard copy and put the changes into the digital format.  So again, it is not like I'm not doing anything, I try to keep up with things as much as possible.  I have about 10 pages of Extenuating Circumstances to transcribe and unfortunately, about 100 pages of Lapdancing Girlfriend to transcribe...wish I had a secretary, LOL.  But of all the time I am writing, this part is the most "work" in terms of being less of a hobby and more of a job...but it's an evil necessity.

Weekends is when I typically write new stuff.  Many people have suggested "why don't you set aside an hour or two specifically for writing."  While that's all fine and dandy for edits like I mentioned above, when I write "new stuff" and my "Muse" hits me, I write for 10, 12, even up to 20 hours straight!  At that point I am "in the zone" and writing madly.  Typically those moods hit me in the morning and unless something happens to break it up, I'll continue writing.

I cannot sit down for an hour or so and write anything new, as my thoughts get way too ahead of myself and if I did that, scenes would be disjointed and nothing would flow together for the story.  That's why I need a full day free...I just cannot write for short spurts at a time.  If I DO have small periods of time, it's spent transcribing like mentioned above.

Basically the whole point is even when I haven't done much, I'm doing SOMETHING.  And all of that is progress.  I may have not posted a story for a year at this point, but it's not for lack of not writing.  Yes real life has interfered at time with unemployment, illness, and visiting family, but if you look at week to week, there are very few weeks where I have done NOTHING related to writing.

I am trying, but sometimes the Fates and stars don't coincide...but believe me, I want to get stories out as much as you, but I want them to be from ME and not just something mass produced and riddled with errors and imperfections where I feel I've posted shoddy work.

So yeah, it takes a while to get a story out, but when it is, you have my promise I have put as much time into it as possible to make it something I'm proud to reveal to the world and more than just something to get off on.

Just wanted to post that, as some of my emails lend me to believe people don't think I've done anything for weeks on end in terms of writing.  I may not post how much I've done or even at times whether I've done something, as the transcribing part to me isn't noteworthy, but rest assured I rarely let a week go by where I've done nothing!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November, the time for THANKS!

I was looking through my stories section and realized I have not posted a new story this entire year.  I've worked on a shitload of stories--Extenuating Circumstances, Lapdancing Girlfriend, Annie Babysits the Kids, Grim Fairy Tales, Skyrim and the Journey of Cerise, Assumptions, Director Jekyll and Ms. Hidesnothing, Dreams, Galactic spy, Halloween, What's in a Name, Lifeguard Gets Wet...but I have yet to finish any of them.

One of the reasons has been being unemployed for 6 months and although that may equate to a lot of time, obviously my mindset put me completely off from getting anything actually done.  Then work came in, in between there I've had family visiting for months, being sick, etc.  Seems I'm giving excuse after excuse, and for that I apologize.  Things just so far haven't melded together.

I'm getting close with both Extenuating Circumstances and Lapdancing Girlfriend...and I hope as much as you do to get those out before we'll see.

But I wanted to thank each and every one of you for coming here and checking back on updates.  I may not be focusing at the time on your favorite series, but everybody still returns and haven't given up, and for that I thank you.  I don't consider myself a "good' writer...although many of you will disagree.  But the bottom line is this being a hobby, I haven't put 100% of my time into writing...but I'm still progressing forward with each story.  And again, I want to thank you all for your patience...God knows it's been a lot with not having posted a full story since last year!

So thank you...and I hope now that work has settled down, Fall and Winter are upon us, that I have more time to sit down and write, write, write, write, write!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Still progressing...

Got to work on both Extenuating Circumstances as well as Lapdancing Girlfriend.  Nothing new, but am slowly going through my hardcopy edits and transcribing them to the computer.  Had to take my car in for service and took my laptop and got quite a bit done, LOL!

Fall is steadily disappearing and winter is's going down to 30 tonight!  Pretty soon snow!

Halloween had about 30 kids...last year I had well over 50, so not sure why it was lower.  Did not have as many little kids (4-10 range)....most of them were somewhat older...even a few girls I'll probably go to hell thinking about...but they were definitely way too old to be trick or treating, LOL.

Finally caught up on all the hours I missed while being sick, so I'm hoping evenings I'll get shit done so I have weekends to pursue writing and graphics.

So having some progress, just not as much as I ever want to have done  :(