Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Slowly making progress...

I hate sounding like a broken record when the updates are similar.  Made some headway with Extenuating Circumstances....actually started Chapter 02 because I wanted to jot down some thoughts I had after a particularly racy dream, hehehe.  But then I went down a tangent I wasn't planning and may scrap most of what I wrote because started to sound too much like Chapter 01.

Still no progress on Lapdancing...but hopefully my Muse will return in full force soon enough to get things rolling again.

Beyond that pretty much took it easy over the weekend.  Watched a few movies, read a little, cleaned the house, played some computer games, but didn't do much "creative."  Overall I spent about 2 days on writing, but as I said, after I trash what I probably will trash, it was not very productive.

Still working on the rough draft of Chapter 01 and my hard edits...and hopefully I'll have some time this weekend to get some better steam rolling!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Weekly Update....

This weekend was an "off" weekend in terms of being pretty atypical.  Friday night I was up the entire night tossing and turning...not sure what triggered my insomnia but I was so looking forward all week to sleeping in Saturday, only to be foiled, LOL.  I finally caught up from missing out of work with the flu, so after 2 weeks of several 12-13 hour work days was hoping to just relax...but that wasn't in the cards.

As such, Saturday I felt like ass...just could not get involved in anything.  Basically watched some television, did some housework, and chilled.

Sunday I was able to get some things done.  I decided since it's already past the middle of October to scratch my Halloween story until next year.  I just didn't see the value in submitting it, even if it were polished, and have it be posted so close to the deadline and miss out on any votes it may have gleaned...so hopefully next year.

That meant I was able to work on Extenuating Circumstances a bit.  I am working on polishing up the rough draft of Part 1 and am about 25% through with it.  I still have to transcribe my corrections to the computer, but I'm hoping I'll be able to send out a few drafts for editorial comments soon!  Parts 2 and 3 are not as involved as Part 1, so they should be following soon after.

Then it will be back to Lapdancing and hopefully we'll see at least one, if not two stories released from me by Thanksgiving.  Again, that's not a hard ETA, LOL....but I will make the attempt  ;)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Small Update...

This weekend I caught up on everything that slipped from when I had the flu...laundry, cleaning the house, shopping, etc.  In order to make up for the lost time at work I pulled 12-13 hour days all last week, so by the time the weekend came, I needed to just chill out.  As such, I didn't get any writing done...not even opening it up for a quick read  :(

That's just the way things go some weekends...my Muse may take a vacation and I'm left with nothing.  I didn't even do any 3D Graphics this weekend, and had plans to enter at least 3 Halloween contests...but I just could not find the interest.

Instead once I had a few moments to myself I relaxed by playing a few video games.

So sorry nothing to report on advancement.  My goal is still to try and knock out my Halloween entry, but if I don't work on it this coming weekend, it will be too late to worry about it and I'll let it sit another year  :/  That's good news if I do, as I'll redirect my focus back to getting out the first chapter of Extenuating Circumstances and Chapter 06 of Lapdancing Girlfriend...but sucks in terms of getting something out by the end of October  :(  Just not "in the mood" lately...

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Update 2...

Still convalescing over this flu.  Saturday and Sunday I merely slept and rested all day.  Monday I went into work...BIG mistake.  I spent the entire day trying to keep my stomach from rebelling with what little tea I gave it and got nothing accomplished.  Later that evening I was able to keep down some crackers and ginger ale, then progressed to bananas and bland yogurt.

Today (Tuesday) I'm staying home from work and letting my body recouperate.

As such, I've not gotten any work done on writing or graphics...sorry, just haven't been up to it  :(

Hopefully this coming weekend I can try and catch up on everything!

Saturday, October 4, 2014


First, my apologies on no update for two weeks...as I mentioned had family visiting for most of that time...my mother left last weekend, so nothing got done other than chilling out from her visit.  I love her to death, but we are both at the age where after a week's worth of time together, we start getting on each other's nerves, hehehe.  It's as much both of us used to living alone than anything...so needed the weekend to "decompress."

I had an urge to work on the rest of Extenuating Circumstances Ch. 01 and got most of Part 3 completed.  I really only have 1-3 pages to go before it too is complete.  I'm still going to release the chapter in three parts as it is way too long to be a single submission.  Part 1 is the longest, but combining them would make it even longer and there are logical divisions within this story that make a three-part chapter feasible.

It's October!  That means Literotica Halloween Contest!  There are already a lot of submissions, so I am going to put the final touches on my submission and get it in ASAP...that means everything is on hold (EC and Lapdancing) until I can get it in.  The sooner it is submitted and can get votes, the quicker everything else will fall into place.  I only have about 3-5 pages to write, so it should go by quick, then do a quick review and submit it.  My goal is to get it done this weekend, but that all depends on how I feel.

In addition there are several 3D Graphics contests I am working on images for...one of them I'll post here after it is done, LOL.  I have two personas for my graphics...one is the "cleaner" side of things, and the other is the DocCIS side...and that one I'll share as it is more erotic  :p  But working on those as well, so that will take a bit of my time...

I have the flu.  Ayup, woke up Friday feeling like somebody had taken a bat to me and beat me all night.  By the afternoon it worked into a fever and felt completely miserable...until the fever broke late last night.  This morning I feel alright, but exhausted--sitting at the computer for only an hour has wiped me out...so going to lay back down soon as I finish this.  I'm going to try to get the Halloween submission done today, but I may end up being a couch potato and just taking it easy  :(

Will let you know how things go this weekend...but right now, too tired to even think about sitting at the computer much longer....