Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Progress, Editing, and a Teaser...

It occurred to me when I tell you all I'm editing pages at work and then need to transcribe those edits that you may not realize what all it entails.  So I took a random page from the stack of pages I need to transcribe and scanned it.  This serves as both an example and a teaser--that is if you can read my chicken scratch, LOL.

This is about mid-way through the story, so you can see how much I actually edit when doing my first run through...

Things are moving pretty well...I just need to find the time to sit down and transcribe the 100+ pages like the above into my digital copy, LOL!

Have also been going through my Extenuating Circumstances story a bit more...so making progress on both stories, just no ETA on anything yet...

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Moving foward...

This was a fairly good week in terms of progress.

I've been slowly going through the initial rough draft of Lapdancing 06.  Although I'm not yet finished, I'm at the point where I'm rereading the beginning of the story to make sure everybody flows and trying to catch as much of the awkward grammar and mistakes I can.  I've been taking hard copies of the story and reading it during lulls at work, then coming home to transcribe the changes to the computer.  I am now working on the edits of pages 60-90, so it's going well in terms of the editorial part, although the transcribing portion takes longer...but again, it is progress, as the quicker I can do this, the less delay there will be when I finally finish the chapter and get it published.

Over the weekend I was somewhat burned out on Diamond, having edited close to 60 pages in the last week, so as a break, worked a bit on one of my other stories--Extenuating Circumstances.  This is a story of a husband and wife who, due to--yup, you guessed it, extenuating circumstances--the wife ends up sleeping around.  As with most of my stories, it has a bit of internal anguish at what she is doing, along with the budding understanding that her husband likes that type of thing.  None of that is really surprising, but I will give away one spoiler, and that would be the woman's name.  Suzanne is a beautiful girl in her early twenties, taking many of her looks from her older sister.  Although her married name is Carter, her married name is...get ready...Simmons.  Sound familiar?

Yes, it is a story about none other than our dear Jennifer's sister...and unless you are new to my stories or have been living under a rock, you'll probably know Jen's more renowned name...Diamond.  :)

How much of Diamond's life I incorporate into the story I don't yet know...she is mentioned several times briefly into the story, but I have plans for some sort of crossover eventually...but time will tell.

Anyways, wanted to post my weekly update and let everybody know things are still moving forward!  My family company leaves this coming week, so I'll once again have weekends to myself so I hope to get things rolling and back into the groove once again!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Frustrations...and not much to report...

So this was one of those weekends where I WANTED to write, but little things kept cropping up and distracting me.  Unfortunately when I'm writing something new I need a few hours to just let things flow, but every time I started writing, something happened.  Phone calls, chats, e-mails, family, people knocking ont he door...ultimately I got nothing done, even though I had Word and Lapdancing 06 open all weekend on my computer  :(

Played around with some graphics, as that I can keep getting distracted from, but as to writing, it was pretty much a weak weekend...

Sunday, July 13, 2014

All's quiet on the front...

So didn't do much writing this weekend.  I did tackle Lapdancing 06 for a bit, but only for a couple hours, then sort of got side-tracked with some 3D graphics and such.  Also saw Planet of the Apes (well worth it) and just relaxed, so pretty quiet weekend all-in-all.

Not what everybody wants to hear, but just needed some "me" time to relax...so was an off-week.  Still been editing like mad--just need to transcribe my edits into the digital copy, but things are moving forward, just a bit slowly this weekend!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Moving forward page by page!

I've been hitting all these Rave videos, costume sites, and what have you to look into some background for Diamond and her girls attending the rave party, and damn, sometimes research takes a while, LOL...  For example, I spent three hours today listening and downloading music of various club mixes, dubstep mixes, and what have you for the party.

The scene is forming in my mind exactly how things will be going down, but it's going to take some time to get it how I want it and type it out...but damn, I want to go clubbing now, hehehe!

So the story is progressing, even with these little internet research speed bumps.  Just wish I had more time...even the 3 day weekend wasn't enough to get near what I wanted done...but things are still moving forward, albeit slower than I would like.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Lapdancing Girlfriend Chapter 06 Teaser 2!

So another little teaser to whet people's appetites...DIAMOND GOES TO A RAVE!

Videos below to inspire your imagination...along with a few photos in the gallery on what to expect, hehehe...

Pet peeve of mine...

First, I hope everybody enjoyed the little teaser from Lapdancing 06.  That scene actually is pretty early in the chapter--it will pop up around page 5 or so once it is published (rough estimation of course, hehehe).  It's not fully edited, so a few parts may change, but overall I'm happy with it.  It is another one of those scenes that were not planned, but just poured forth through my fingers as I envisioned the setting...

Anyways, on to the reason for the above title.  So this is a little pet peeve of mine, and although I know it won't change how people act, I can at least get it off my chest, hehehe.

I understand people use the Literotica "Favorites" (Author or Title) in various and sundry ways.  Some people keep stories they want to return to in the future, some people tag stories they are in the middle of and can return back to when they have time (as opposed to bookmarking it and their family members seeing it!).  Same with authors, many people tagging authors to easily return to their story page and check on any new releases and such.  I completely understand those reasons, and when I see somebody "fav" a story, and then a day or two "unfav" it, I again, understand it was only a transient thing.

What bugs me is when somebody "fav's" an author or story and then--maybe weeks or months later--"unfav's" it without any explanation.  And when I look at that person's favorite list, they are usually HUMONGOUS with hundreds of authors or stories...and yet again, no explanation on why they un-favorited me or my story.

Just bugs me when it happens, as there's no reason why they unfav'd it ever given.

Honestly I don't keep track of who fav's a story or author, but I do catch the little broken hearts when somebody unfavor's you:

LOL, it's quite noticeable...and yet again, no explanation why...

Again, just a pet peeve...people are free to do what and how they want, but sometimes it would be nice to get a message on why...whether it's people tired of waiting for a release (I would expect that to be common with me, hehehe) or some other reason...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Still progressing...

So this past weekend I spent a bit of time on Lapdancing 06.  I did not have as much time as I would have liked, but still wrote several pages (Word format) as well as edited the sections.

For the most part worked on some 3D graphics I needed to get done, so although I did progress, it wasn't as much as I liked.  I'm hoping this coming three-day Fourth of July weekend will give me a bit more time to move forward...it is at the point where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, so even I want to get it done, LOL!

And since I'm so close, I thought I would give you a random page as a teaser, hehehe. Just remember, this is a RAW/ROUGH DRAFT: