Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Maintaining the status quo...

Really little new to report.  Still working on all my stories...sometimes I'm in the mood for one, other times another.  Progress on all of them are slow.

Still unemployed, but the past week haven't really spent a lot of time looking.  That I can take a couple months of no work and still get by is a testament to how much I've saved over the years...but I don't want to tap into that too much any longer so will have to put the nose to the grindstone and find something worthwhile.

Been dabbling a bit more into the 3D Graphics, but still nothing really to show for any of my stories.  Lapdancing will probably be the first one I work on fully, but again, right now mainly getting things figured out and picking out the appropriate model for Diamond.

Today they will be announcing the Literotica Halloween Story Contest winners.  I'm not really holding my breath as the scores have been a bit low.  They'll do a sweep (removing low scores that have been spammed) so the score should go up some, but there are 4-5 stories that are currently ranked higher than me and I don't expect to surpass them.  We'll see when they announce the winners...

Other than that, just plugging along slowly whenever the mood hits me!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wow, it's been almost two weeks!

Time flies when you really start to become lost in being home all the time.  I've been working on the new story that was inspired by Halloween.  It's a pretty typical story of mistaken identity, but hopefully I bring to it a bit of my style of hotness, LOL.

It's actually a "short" story...I doubt it will reach more than four pages on Literatica--which for me, is "short."  It's nothing that I plan on any sequel or anything, just a little story that has haunted my thoughts for the past few weeks.  I'm almost done, so it should be coming out before Halloween...so in the next week more-than-likely.

Have not worked on much else.  I've been losing myself in gaming lately--not having a job and being home all the time has sort of depressed me...I need to get out of this funk soon.  Yesterday I ran to the bank and realized it's been almost two weeks since I left the house (beyond getting my mail)...so that need to change soon.

The other stories I haven't done much with until I get this Halloween story out.  We'll see where my Muse takes me, but have been getting requests for just about everything, LOL.  Not sure what will come next, but I'll let you know after this one is out!

Also have been working on my 3D Graphics a bit more.  I'm still working on who represents Diamond the most, but will also reveal that when I feel I can do her justice!

Bear with me, keep my in your thoughts and send good Karma my way in terms of a job!  Now that the government is back to work, I'm hoping the lull is over and I can get back into the swing of things.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Still not much to update...

Working on my second Halloween story...but since I'm not done, I'll probably just release it whenever instead of the contest.  The contest submissions close on the 21st, so will just go with  my current story.  Right now things are pretty same-old, same-old...

Think the weather on the east coast is affecting my mood too...dark, grey, rainy, cold...ugh!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Sorry for the lack of updates!

My apologies on the lack of updates...although there has not been much to update.

Halloween Story
My Halloween Story contest submission seems to be doing well.  It is hard to judge because apparently some trolls like to go through and rate everything low, and until the final date (around October 21st) when there is a "sweep" by the system (to remove all apparent troll votes), nobody really knows what their story is rated as.  Mine seems to be hovering around 4.5-4.6, but it will go up by at least 1 or 2 points once the sweep is done.
I've had stories rated low before and have requested a sweep believing them to be trolled and the points have increased surprisingly high (e.g., Annie 3 went from 4.25 to 4.6 after a requested sweep)...so it's sad they have to do such things, but I still expect my Halloween story to be higher than what it currently is from all the positive feedback I've gotten.
Other stories I've been working on
I've done a full review of my Lifeguard story and have now started upon new content.
I've also been working on a new Halloween story, LOL.  It's going to be a "short" spank story, but I got the idea reading through the other Halloween submissions.  If I can finish it up this week I'll submit it as a second contest story.  It's nothing long or extended like any of my stories, but the idea popped into my head yesterday and it was just one of those things I had to write to let out the muse.
Have not worked on anything else really...just reading through and a few edits here and there on Lapdancing 06 and Annie 08.  Not much to say.
On the Home-front
Still unemployed, although honestly I haven't really been looking too hard.  I've built up a nice nest egg that I'm tapping into now so I really haven't been pressed financially, but I've started looking a bit more intensely.  I've had a few nibbles, but nothing permanent, but appreciate the kind words people have given.
Other than that, been cleaning the house, watching movies, playing a few games, and simply relaxing.  I did not realize how stressed the last six months or so at my job were with my asshole of a manager, but now that I've been away from it, it's been nice to just decompress for a month...but I know that time is slowly coming to an end, so hope to have something by the end of the month.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Halloween Story Contest submission submitted!

Submitted my Halloween Story Contest submission--All Hallow's Eve (final title, hehehe).

It should be available in the next day or two--they typically post contest submissions quicker.

The final story came out to be TWELVE Literotica pages...so we'll see if that's 'too long' for the story readers.

I need a total of TWENTY-FIVE VOTES for the story to qualify, so please VOTE!

Will post again when it's released with the URL...