Monday, July 29, 2013

Skryim woes...

So anybody who has played Skyrim on the PC and added even more than one mod knows the headaches that can result with managing mods in the game.  Now add over 350+ mods and you'll begin to see some of the issues I've had to deal with.

I have not played Skyrim in over 6 months...the last time I played the Dragonborn DLC had just come out, but I had started a new game with Cerise and she currently was starting out some of the quests in Riften, having already passed through Whiterun and Ivardstead.

So there's been a shitload of mod updates, Nexus Mod Manager updates, and a bunch of other updates for scripting engines and all the tools I had been familiar with using since I've last played the game.

Add to that I have also changed computers...

Ugh, what a nightmare.

I loaded up Skyrim for the first time today and Cerise was naked and alone in Riften.

I had forgotten how sparse the cities were without mods adding NPC's and companions, and all the gear she had been wearing were from mods.

So at that point, I realized all my mods had not loaded.  Easy enough fix...I fired up Nexus Mod Manager.  After updating to the latest version it showed I had NO MODS INSTALLED!!!!  WTF?

Go back to "I have since changed machines" and you'll begin to see some of the problems.  With the new machine, I am in a new domain, so even though I copied all my data to the new system, the directory paths and whatnot were all wrong.  The mods were in the correct directories for Skyrim, but nothing was registered or even visible because of the path changes.

An hour later and I was able to SEE all my mods once again...but that was just the tip of the iceberg.  Apparently the installation information for the mods did not transfer to the new machine (and old machine is since wiped), so although I could SEE my mods...they were not INSTALLED or ENABLED.

I could just enable the mods, since I could now see them, but nothing could be that simple, right?  After investigating things further, I found the mods were not installed per Nexus Mod Manager, but the ESP's and ESM's WERE INSTALLED and visible to Skyrim!

So everything is half-assed at this point...mods are installed, and although the ESP's and such are enabled, the mods themselves are inactive. What I am going to have to do is go through each and every mod (I have over ONE THOUSAND mods downloaded) and do the following:
  1. Check to see if the mod has been updated.  If so, I need to download the new version and read the README files to see if it is compatible with everything else.
  2. Check to see if I used the mod previously, if so, I'll need to reinstall the mod and overwrite any older files.
Then there's the issue that Skyrim only allows 255 mods to be loaded.  I had previously gone through over 300 armor mods and combined them manually into a single file.  I'll now have to do the same thing again with the UPDATED mods since some of the older versions are incompatible with the newer version of Skyrim.

As I said, what a nightmare!  It will take some time to get everything all settled out again where I can play the game and pick up where I left off in Riften.

The good news is I have Chapters 3 (Whiterun) and 4 (Ivardstead) already written, as well as most of the screenshots taken--I just need to review the storyline and make some edits as well as insert the pictures.  I may have to settle on not having screenshots from some scenes as I can not go back until everything is straightened out, but at least I can get SOMETHING out for those chapters.  But it's still going to be an uphill battle before I can get back into the game comfortably....or get anything past Chapter 4 in the future...

Small Update...

Just so nobody thinks I've vanished, least want to get an update out once a week, even if that update isn't much!

Still working on my Skyrim 03 chapter.  Did not get much done over the weekend due to family stuff.  Family leaves beginning of August and after that is when I'll really have time to start working on everything again.  Summers are always bad due to traveling and whatnot, so will be back in the swing of things in a few weeks.

Once Skyrim 03 is done, I'll be focusing on the next chapter of it won't be until AFTER I get out another chapter of Annie I'll be working on Lapdancing 06.  I know that doesn't please everybody, but I promised to get the next two things out following the long duration of Lapdancing 05!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Currently working on Skyrim 03...

So finally dusted off my rough draft of Skyrim Chapter 03 to work on.  Had to rearrange a lot of the pictures I took into some order so as I review the story, I can insert the pictures in as well.  It has been so long I had forgotten the pictures were already sized correctly, so now it's a matter of re-reading the story, making a few changes, and inserting the pictures.

Even with that final part only remaining, it will still take a while to get everything in will let you all know when I have a reasonable update.

Following the insertion of the pictures, the story should be done and I can submit it...but even then it typically has taken a full month before the story is released, so right now we're looking sometime late August, early September before it's make public on I hope to be done "soon" with this story in order to give me some time in August for the next chapter of Annie...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Not much going on this week...

Haven't done much this week...I sorted through my Skyrim pictures a bit to get everything ready to put them into the story, but didn't do much else either with writing or graphics.

Was sort of an "off" week to just relax and watch some television and basically decompress.

Hopefully will have some time this week to work on my next Skyrim chapter as well as a few other things, but we'll see..

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Thanks everybody! AND PLEASE VOTE!

Wanted to thank everybody for their comments whether on Literotica, here, or via PM's/e-mail for Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch.'s much appreciated!

For those who have not done so, it would also be appreciated if you could vote on the Literotica site (last page of story, 1-5 stars).  Although I do not take much stock into the voting process (it's too easy to rig), it does help people when looking for stories as anything above 4.5 is labeled 'hot' and it also gets the attention of people who would not normally read such stories.  Seeing Chapter 05 doing well hopefully gets people to read the other's more or less shameful advertisement, LOL.

Currently only 82 people have voted out of 10,945 people hitting the story.  Although some of those are undoubtedly search bots, it would be nice to get at least 100+ votes...

Been working on graphics this weekend.  Have touched a little here and there on several stories (including Lapdancing 06!), but will be focusing much of my attention on Skryim after this weekend.  This weekend is sort of my attempt to catch up on everything I didn't do while working on Lapdancing 05, hehehe...although I'm much further behind than I'd like.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

ETA's on stories...

I've received a lot of requests on ETA's for the release of my next Skyrim chapter, as well as the next chapter of Annie, not to mention the next chapter of Lapdancing Girlfriend!

At this point in time I'm not able to give any ETA's, even for the next story coming out, my Skyrim 03 chapter.

Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 05 took a lot out of me.  Every moment of spare time I had I devoted to working on the chapter.  I even took days off from work to work on it at times.  I need a bit of recuperating before I can devote some much time and energy into a story once again.

Add to that we're still in the summer months, a time I usually do not have the cycles to burn towards stories.  A lot of my stories are done in the Fall/Winter months as I have more time being indoors and whatnot to work on them.

I'd like to say they will be soon, but even that may not be the case.  Also I have my growing list of 'To-Do's' which I listed as the mood hits me, I'll be working on them.

This past week I've been devoting towards my 3D Graphics creations, which have slacked off.  I am still trying to pick through the hundreds of models I have for the proper Diamond character, and then I'll be releasing a render of her for everybody to get their first glimpse of.

In terms of Skyrim, I haven't played the game in months, so will need to get back into the swing of things to work on Chapters 5 and well as any additional images I may need for Chapters 3 and 4.  As I've mentioned, earlier Chapters 3 and 4 are written, but I need to work on the images--which is sometimes longer than the actual writing.

All I can say is my priorities are towards Skyrim 03 and my graphics at this point, but I'm still dabbling with a few of my other newer stories to get them fleshed out enough where I can let them sit for a bit to work on other things.

I know it's not what everybody wants to hear, but again, Lapdancing 05 took quite a bit out of me, and I need time to digest and ruminate before tackling anything hardcore immediately...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Growing list of 'to do's'...

So following Lapdancing 05's release, I've been trying to catch up on several things.  I wanted to cover a few things so everybody knew what was going on and what to expect...

The biggest thing is prioritizing and finding the TIME to work on everything!

Skyrim Chapter 03 (Whiterun)

As promised, the next 'big' release will be the third chapter of my Skyrim story--Whiterun.  I already have the rough drafts of both Chapters 03 (Whiterun) and 04 (Ivarstead) completed, I just need to sit down and resize all the screenshots I've taken, and then insert them into the story, followed by a review/reread of the chapter before posting.  Once posted--based upon the first two chapters--it will be close to a month before anybody will see it on Literotica.  I guess illustrated stories take longer to format, plus besides the normal review they do on the site, they also check all the images to make sure they are the correct size and such.

New Stories

I have several new stories I've been working with on and off to take breaks between Lapdancing and Skyrim.  Although I have working titles for all of them, none are close to being complete or fleshed out enough to give everybody an idea of what they are...but I can give the general blurb for each.
What's in a Name
I've mentioned this earlier, but writing a story where a wife is obsessed with she gets herself into all sorts of situations to lay claim to that particular title.  The first 'chapter' of the story is her entering a bunch of bar contests--thanks to all of you for your suggestions!  So she'll be competing in a Daisy Dukes, wet t-shirt, and various other contests.  To her, winning the title is more important than her propriety...but it has to be a 'legitimate' contest, meaning she is pitted against other people and judged by a panel of judges.

Extenuating Circumstances
This is a story I started while writing Lapdancing 05.  It concerns a young couple where the wife gets involved in several compromising situations due to extenuating circumstances.  It's pretty typical of the 'wife sleeping to pay the bills' types of stories, but hopefully with enough of a twist that people will be entertained.  The first two chapters involve her reminiscing how things got so complicated, so they are more flashbacks than what is happening currently...but by the end of Chapter 02, we'll see what is going on.

Lifeguard Gets Wet
This is a story I started over TWO YEARS ago that I work on every now and then.  It actually started from a Literotica Story Ideas post.  Basically the rich girl gets in trouble and is sent to spend the summer with her former nanny instead of going on a European vacation with her family.  She is sent to downtown Atlanta and forced to get a summer job to pay her way, cut off from her money for the she gets a lifeguard job.  Unfortunately, the lifeguard group has been a 'boys only' group forever, so they are not happy about a girl joining their ranks...

A Space Odyssey - Galactic Spy
This is another story I've been working on for a long time.  It's about a modern girl who discovers there is actually life out in space.  She is recruited to join an elite agency which polices the galaxy.  Earth is not yet advanced enough to become a member of the Federation of Planets, but that does not stop earth women from being kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery.  It's sort of a mix between the Spacegirl stories, Star Trek, John Norman's Gor novels,  and so forth.  It's more of a novel I've been working on than a simple sex story.  There is definitely sex involved, including alien sex, but there is more story than erotic encounters.

Existing Stories

I still have plans to work on ALL my stories and advance them...right now, it's just time that's needed:
  • Annie Babysits the Kids Ch. 08
  • Dreams Ch. 03
  • Director Jekyll and Ms. Hidesnothing Ch. 02
  • Grim Fairy Tales Ch. 03
  • Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 06


I also have been working on getting some of the graphics for my stories completed.  The initial step has been attempting to categorize all the characters I've bought over the months.  I am trying to render them all in the same positions and lighting to see which characters work best in my mind for each of the stories I'm doing.  The first I will be creating is a simple full-body portrait of Diamond...but still working through the 200+ female models I've bought, LOL.  Hoping to sit down with them and pick out Diamond and her friends soon.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch05 "After the Fact" comments...

So there's a few things I wanted to share about Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 05, now that it's out, I couldn't share before.

If you have not finished the chapter, be advised, these are SPOILERS, so you may not want to read further!



First, there were many scenes not planned and came about only as I was writing.  The very first sex scene involving Tim is an example.  I was originally planning on Diamond merely being picked up and given a slutty outfit to be worn to the airport and on the plane.  The humiliation factor of being exposed to the public was the sole impetus of the first day; however, as I was writing, I thought, "How could dressing in revealing clothes upset a stripper?"  It needed something to tip it over the edge.

So I thought of her having to face the guy she was forced into having oral sex with--that would be pretty humiliating.  I began to write about him picking her up, watching her get dressed.  Now THAT was something she could get embarrassed about, as it would be within her own home.  

But once again I wanted something "over the top" in terms of degrading her, so figured him taking her in the airplane bathroom would do it.

I do not enjoy pure rape, non-consensual scenes, but I do enjoy if the woman is reluctant or even initially forced, as long as she enjoys it in the end and does not feel as if it were "rape" in the most brutal sense of the term.  That is why I started out with Tim feeling her up in her sleep.  She was already aroused, and that arousal led to her enjoying her rendezvous with Tim on the plane...even if she was against it initially.

The photo-shoots were created 'on the fly' as well.  I did not plan on ANY sex scenes, thinking along the lines of Mr. DeWight that Diamond needed to be slowly introduced into the fold of the porn industry; however, then I realized it would be more humiliating and degredating if Diamond actually was the one to accept her degradation before anybody thought she would.  That she would not be expected to behave in a depraved manner and actually did would be more upsetting to her in the end than writing it off as "I was forced into it" type of scene.

And so came the masturbation scene during her first photo-shoot.

The second photo-shoot was actually going to be her merely being exposed before another naked male model.  I had planned to write in the descriptions of the 'simulated' sex scenes.  Diamond's humiliation would come from being in such compromising positions and the world thinking her more of a slut than she was.  But once again I thought..."what if..." and thus came the actual penetration.  

I did not want Sean to be portrayed as a 'bad guy' so added the misinterpretation of Diamond giving him the 'go ahead' signal to enter her.

The whole "she did not have to do it, but did, and not only allowed it, but enjoyed it" routine played out well in my mind, so hopefully that was relayed through the story.  It's a common theme I'm trying to put into the story, and although I add drugs, alcohol, or her mental state as excuses, those are more or less crutches I am relying upon to make it more realistic on something happening.  To me, Diamond is a strong-willed woman who is not a slut, it is just the circumstances of what is happening to her making her do some of the things she does.  That she begins to enjoy it needed to be somehow explained, so I threw those in to convince you the readers there were extenuating circumstances.


The Twister game was probably the longest part of writing the story.  I actually created an Excel spreadsheet with the colors, as well as an online spinner with the categories!  I had a list of 100+ Truth/Dare questions I found on the web as well as invented myself.

And then I played the game!  As I wrote the story, I would actually 'spin' the spinner, accepting whatever it landed on to be played out.  If a move was ultimately impossible to execute, that's when the game forfeited.  If one of the guys received a Dare I did not think would happen, they forfeited.

I actually had a lot of Dares with the cum-filled shot glasses...but those Dares never were randomly selected by the computer...and so they just did not happen.  That was both good and bad.  The good was I think everybody (including myself) was thinking something would happen with them or that they would be involved with the story.  The bad was the disappointment of them not ever happening, hehehe...but that's life.  And personally I think the build-up of wondering what they would be used for was as exciting as the disappointment in them not being used.

I played the game until a Dare came where Diamond had to do something sexual, her accepting the "anybody who spins x color gets to touch you for a minute" as the point of no return for her gangbang scene.


Just wanted to share a few of the "reasons why" and how the story seemed to grow on its own.  Feel free to ask about any other scenes and I can try to relay what I was thinking at the time, or why I picked one guy or the next for certain scenes.

For example, a lot of people wanted Geiger to get more involved with Diamond's degradation.  As I was writing, I thought "Who would be the LEAST likely to end up screwing Diamond" and thought of the computer geek.  That it fit his agenda for showing he "had what it took" to be a field agent added to the story in my opinion.  And now Jen/Diamond is forced to pretend he's her fiance, having sex on a regular basis with somebody she just met is going to be pretty demeaning.

Or will it?  Guess we'll have to wait for Chapter 06 on that one!  ;)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

LOL! Thank you Anonymous!

My first feedback after the official posting:
Earns an automatic rating of 1. There is no fucking way I would ever try to read something this long on this site. By itself, it's longer than ANY story should  If you can't break it up, you're not a writer, you're a typist.
Hehehe, I knew there would be people who felt this way...definitely worth a laugh!

Lapdancing Girlfriend Chapter 05 is LIVE!

Thanks to 'hubnwife' for the head's up...Lapdancing Girlfriend 05 is now live!

Can't wait to hear the comments!


Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 5 of Lapdancing Girlfriend 05 watch...

Still waiting for Lapdancing 05 to be made live.  I do not know the review process much on Literotica, but I believe it's just first come, first serve.  They do scan the submissions for 'illegal' content such as under aged (<18 years old) sex, as well as bestiality, but not sure what else goes into the process or if the submissions are actually READ, as there are some extremely poorly written stories on the site.

I did expect with the length of Chapter 05 it would take a while.  Hopefully it will give you all something to read over the weekend  ;)

From the few reports I've gotten on those with early copies of Lapdancing 05 (yes, there are a few out there, LOL), to quote:
Having read through it now (took some time, damn!), I can confirm that it was worth the wait! - dkgooner
Finished first reading.   

It was worth it.  And surprisingly short.....I guess that's how good it was. -Jit
There have been a few comments on certain sections, both good and bad, but that is to be expected.  With something this massive, it was impossible to devote a lot of time to each and every scene, and as I reviewed the story, I had to cut some parts out just to make it more readable.  Still, the few comments I've received have been favorable...

Have worked a bit on catching up here and there with a few odd stories, but planning on getting back into my Skyrim story this weekend.  Time for the month of July is going to be spotty, so I'll probably only have weekends to work on it, while the "find 30 minutes here and there" moments will go towards reviewing some of my other stories...maybe even Annie.

I also want to devote some time to graphics, and that sort of causes time to fly, as once I start, I get so immersed hours go by...but want to give a few teasers as I work on illustrating the stories for possible publication.

Monday, July 1, 2013

So what's next?

As I mentioned earlier, my next BIG project will be the next chapter in my Skyrim story; however, that is more logistics than anything.  Both Chapters 03 (Whiterun) and 04 (Ivarstead) are pretty much written in rough draft form, as well as the screenshots taken...the main time consuming thing is I have to resize the screenshots to Literotica sizes (no more than 500 pixels wide) and insert them into the story.

I still need to review both chapters, so there will be a bit of a rewriting here and there, but it's just the pictures which are time-consuming.  So in some ways that will be longer than even Lapdancing 05 where I was writing.  Writing I could find an hour here and there to work on things, but for the Skyrim stories, I need huge blocks of time to work on them.

Just warning people there may be a bit more time involved for those to see fruition than a regular unillustrated story.

I also have several stories I've been working on here and there to break the monotony while writing Lapdancing 05.  I expect one or two of those stories to come out in the next month or so, all depending on how much time I put in.  If I have huge blocks of time I'll be working on the Skyrim story, but when I have only an hour here and there, I'll probably work on those.

And I'm still working on the graphics for all stories.  I really liked the idea of putting them together as an actual e-book with illustrations, so will be seriously considering that route.  I'll post brief glimpses here and there of the images, but the entirety will probably be something to purchase.  Some stories like Annie there is a lot of rehash of previous chapters in the forwards, so will probably have to trim those out, since it will be a book and not a series released at intermediate times...still, I think they'll all flow well.

Then again, they could just be an anthology of chapters...all depends on how the graphics go...

But feel free to bug me on progress of Skyrim 03, LOL...but also give me some time to recuperate from the marathon writing of Lapdancing 05  ;)