Sunday, June 30, 2013

A picture's worth a thousand words...

Yes, this is not April's Fools, this is not a joke...LAPDANCING CHAPTER 05 IS COMPLETE!

So some interesting little facts while we wait for Literotica to release the story...

  • It is FORTY-NINE Literotica pages long!  Ouch...
  • I put it in the Exhibitionist & Voyeur section, although it could reasonably fit into any of the other categories:
    • Anal
    • BDSM
    • Erotic Couplings
    • Group Sex
    • Loving Wives
    • Mind Control
    • NonConsent/Reluctance
    • Novels and Novellas
  • The story is 325 Word Format pages in length composed of:
    • 174,603 words
    • 795,332 characters (without spaces)
    • 969,229 characters (with spaces)
    • 4,021 paragraphs
    • 15,427 lines
I can't believe it's finally done, already itching to write Chapter 06, LOL, but I've promised to do my next chapter of my Skyrim story next, followed by a new Annie Diamond will have to wait.  That's not to say I won't be working on her, as I typically work on a couple stories at a time, but focus mainly on one in order to prevent the stories "bleeding" into each other.

I also want to work on some graphics, as the illustrated story idea has gotten some good feedback.  But all in all, it's time to sit back and let the feedback--good and bad--flow!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

And the last countdown begins...

Started this morning at 88.4% completed in terms of pages...2.5 hours later I'm at 88.9% but have added two additional pages, LOL.

Even so, this is my last countdown the next post will be me submitting it to Literotica, and from there, it's out of my hands.

Right now reviewing Diamond's debut party...which is a 45-minute dance routine, and one I am going through slowly with each song, making sure it 'reads' in synch to the song.  I actually found one part where things moved too slowly before the song ended, so shifted things slightly to make sure they all are 'in synch' as much as I could get them.

Bottom line is you can all start holding your breath without fear of passing out...because this is the home stretch...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Suggestions for next story...

So I have an idea for a new story that hit me the other day.  But I'm needing some help.  Can anybody think of some derogatory terms for women based upon what they do or who they are?

For example, the easy ones I thought of:
  • M.I.L.F. / M.I.L.F.A.
  • M.I.A.F. / M.I.F.
  • Hot Wife
  • Arm Candy / Trophy Wife
  • W.I.L.F.
Things like that.  I'm drawing a blank on some other similar terms.  Basically I'm thinking of a woman who has an addiction to titles, so she works towards earning various titles.  For example, dressing sexy for her son's friends...M.I.L.F.  That type of thing.

So what I'm looking for are other "title" terms along similar lines.  Any ideas?  Let me know!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Not this weekend :(

About 85% through the review, so at least I'm moving forward.  I've also added about 10 pages (Word format) since starting, so the story seems to be growing.  Although I've removed quite a few paragraphs and sentences, I always seem to find one part that needs a bit more fleshing out to describe.

The last photo-shoot is a good example.  It was only a few paragraphs but I felt it needed a bit more, and wow, I'm quite happy with it (I mean VERY happy, LOL).  It's one of Diamond's girl-girl scenes (gasp).

I did take some "me' time today and watched a couple movies (Taken and Taken 2), as well as did some yard work, but it was time well spent as I could come back to the review fresher and go through it some more.

There's no way in hell anybody is going to read through this chapter in one sitting IMO.  There is something for everybody, and there's going to come a point where you are going to be worn out and have to "resume" after a decent rest (nudge nudge, wink wink).  I'm just hoping the plot itself advances enough for everybody's tastes...I'm not too worried about the sex scenes, but it's what's between them that I hope everybody enjoys!

I've also been thinking about the illustrated stories...and am going to work on some graphics once this chapter is submitted to get a feel of how I'll be doing it, so that's another thing added to my plate, LOL!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Grammar is a funny thing...

So currently at 75.5% through the read-through review of Lapdancing 05, but that does not necessarily give a good guage of how far I am.  For example, I just spent the last HOUR going through the story searching for words that I often use incorrectly or too much.  The two I just spent the last 60 minutes on were "upon" and "onto".  I suddenly noticed a lot of "upon" this and that's in one paragraph and when I did a search, found out I had used "upon" over 300 times in the chapter!  Now, I am sort of  my own Grammar Police, so I started a search for every instance of "upon" in the story and ended up changing 135 instances of it because I had used in incorrectly or it felt awkward in the sentence.

Upon versus Up On versus On versus Onto versus On To

And then as I was reading through the search, found several other stupid mistakes or sentences that really did not make sense, LOL.

Editing is a never-ending process.  Eventually it just comes down to whether I feel comfortable releasing a story in its current state and then changing things silently over time.  The unfortunate thing is the first read is the one people will vote upon, so I need to at least make it "right enough" to appease even people like myself who literally will stop reading a story if it doesn't flow properly.

Just wanted to write this as sort of a break as well as what goes through my mind, back to Diamond...

Oh BTW, a few pictures have been added/removed from the photo-gallery, LOL...added a few extra descriptions after thinking about it, then had to track down some pictures to use to describe them.  Not sure if they'll make the final cut, but just a head's up, hehehe...

The weekend push...

Contrary to some of the sarcastic comments (obviously made in jest), this weekend I am hoping is the final "push" of Lapdancing 05's review.

Currently I am halfway through Diamond's Friday adventures, which is roughly 75% complete.  I seem to be adding more descriptions than removing anything, so the story is growing a bit more, but with only her photo-shoot, debut party, and the eventual Saturday morning scenes, plan to be done.  Whether it will be today or tomorrow we'll see...but I don't have anything planned today other than reviewing the story...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lapdancing Dancer 05 Update...60%

So yesterday I wrote in the comments I was 60% done.  Today I took off from work wanting to work on the story at least in the morning when I had some alone time.  I have been working on the review for two hours...and when I stopped to calculate how far I was through, was surprised to see I was only 60% done--even after two hours!

Then I realized it is explained by having added almost 10 more pages, LOL.

I found an entire section where I skipped several complete paragraphs while I was writing, too caught up with the scene in my mind to get the words on paper.  That happens sometimes...I probably was writing this section when I had a bottle of wine opened next to me, hehehe...and sometimes the thoughts come faster than I can type them into the story.  Another good reason to review, as I'm sure doflam was probably lost in this section of their rough draft, as some parts bounced around without any connection, hehehe.

So things are moving forward, but the story is still growing!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Lapdancing 05 Update - 55%...

So this weekend I was able to work on some of the review for Lapdancing 05; however, I also spent a lot of time with family, so was not able to finish.  Currently I'm at 55% of the review in terms of pages.  Although there are not "significant" changes to the plot, the review has let me flesh out a bit more of the storyline.  Not only am I correcting mistypes and grammatical errors, but some of the scenes did not seem to flow well as I read them, so have edited those as well.  To give you an idea of how much the story has grown with simply the review:
Rough Draft:
Word Count: 148,092
Paragraph Count: 3,648
Line Count: 13,409

55% Edited Version:
Word Count:  157,649
Paragraph Count:  3,793
Line Count:  14,145
 So yeah, so far the story has grown ~5% in terms of what's been added--that's FIFTEEN PAGES in Word format that I've added!  Typically when I review/edit I try to shorten things, but instead the story is growing, LOL.  By the time I'm done it will easily reach 300 Word formatted pages, which is roughly 40 Literotica pages...

I do apologize for things taking so long...and I do hope it's worth the wait, but it is looking like another week before things are completely done  :(

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lapdancing 05 update...50% and growing!

Just a little update to let everybody know I've reached the 50% point of Lapdancing 05's review.  That's in terms of pages, although I seem to be adding more as I read to flesh out some of the tangential story lines and such.  A few places which read awkward I've been able to smooth out and in some cases, remove entirely--and yet the story is now even longer, hehehe.

The sex scenes are pretty easy to do surprisingly, as I already had things well-thought out when I was writing.  It's the little things--Diamond's interaction with people at the corporate headquarters, how she behaves in an elevator full of men, and her awareness of everybody's attention on her now as a celebrity.  Those things I pretty much glossed over initially when writing, wanting to get to the more juicer parts, but now in the review, those are the glue holding everything together and if they are not done correctly, the story is not finished in my book.

But it's downhill now...50% and going strong!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lapdancing 05 Photo Album updated...

Getting close, I've updated the photo album.  Pictures now when organized by name will actually be in order of the story, so you can at least get an idea of the timeline going on with the photos cutting down some of the guesswork, hehehe.

It's about as much of a hint as I can give at this point...but wanted the pictures to actually be on the same timeline...

Oops, thanks to "Anonymous" for letting me know the album was not visible--Google+ is a bit odd with updating the names of the files so had to delete the album and re-add it, and apparently had to set up sharing for it as well.  Hopefully it's visible to everybody now!

Slow and steady...

Forty-five percent through the review of Lapdancing 05...hoping to get it done this weekend.  Again, not promising much as a lot depends on the weather (need to do yardwork, LOL), family, and real life in general, but want to get this off my plate for a few other projects!

Will know better tomorrow how it's going...

Friday, June 14, 2013

Paying to read...

So several comments and e-mails have me thinking.  A comment was made on how writing was a hobby for me, and since I was not getting "paid" I had to be in the right frame of mind and have the time to write some more.  This not only is for Lapdancing 05, but all my stories, as I tend to do one at a time with a large amount of time in between.  Several people have stated they would not mind paying for a full e-book once a story was completed.

Time lately for me is the big issue.  Summers are the worst, as my free time is extremely limited with little to no time to write.  My kids are up for the summer, there is more going on at work, and there is just general real life chaos going on that the winter months do not have.

Anyways, some comments were made how some of you wouldn't mind paying for full stories when they are completed and it got me thinking.  I read a blurb where Charles Dickens "serialized" his stories...printing out a chapter here and there in the newspapers and when he finished a story, would publish it as a book. All of that got me thinking...

I've mentioned in the past I was planning on putting together some 3D Graphics to go with the stories, making various scenes as I see them and posting them somewhere.  What I was thinking is the possibility of once a story is completed, publish it in its entirety as an illustrated book.

I don't see offering the full story for pay for when you can read the chapters on Literotica.  And short of pulling the chapters off the site (something I know some authors have done and which I have no intentions of doing), I feel something "extra" needs to be offered that you cannot get for free...and I'm thinking the illustrations may be that thing.

I've been illustrating my Skyrim story, but that's been screenshots from the game.  These would be totally original art renders, but would be something I would feel more comfortable about asking money for than just compiling the chapters into one e-book...

What do people think?  Granted I am not the best 3D artist out there, but I hope to make things at least viable.  Just something to think about...and I'm a long way from finishing any of my stories, LOL...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Still forging ahead!

There are times when I feel like I just want to let the story sit...I've put a lot of time, effort, and imagination into this chapter and it's taken a lot out of me.  My biggest fear is people will not like it.  Haven't heard from doflam from their review...then again, they may still be reading it--it's THAT long, LOL.

But then I get comments through e-mail or see the stories "favorited" or even me as an author "faved" and that spurs me on.  This site averages 200-300 visits a DAY, which also makes me feel odd that there are so many people interested in my stories...and again, that spurs me on to continue forging ahead.

I do appreciate the comments, e-mails, and posts on at times, those are the only things keeping me going.

Right now slowly making my way through Diamond's adventures at the corporate headquarters.  It's an uphill climb as I'm already thinking about Chapter 06 for her, Chapter 08 for Annie, and a couple other stories I have ideas for...but I don't want to short-change Chapter 05 and put it out until I know it's complete.

I know people are tired of hearing deadlines I don't meet, so I'm not even going to state if I will get it done this week or not...I will try is the only thing I can promise.  Each day I find a few minutes to go over a part here and there, but what I need is a few hours' time to just sit down and read!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Once again, the best laid plans...

Unfortunately no good news in terms of the review progress.  I had high hopes for working and even trying to finish the review of Lapdancing 05 but when the weekend rolled around, ended up bumming around and spending time with the family.  And when I finally had time to work on it Sunday, after one page I was feeling like it was more of a chore and work than really being able to put my heart into reading and editing the story.

I do apologize, as I am starting to feel pressured to get it done, not only by you the fans, but myself.  As I mentioned in the past, this is a hobby, and until somebody is actually paying me, all deadlines are "soft" in terms of they can always change, and such has been the case with Lapdancing 05.  I knew when the summer rolled around my time would be limited to non-existent, and such has been the case since mid-May.

Will just have to see if my Muse hits me next weekend and I can sit down and hammer it out and get it posted.  Even with the 32% I've reviewed so far, I know it's nowhere near ready to be posted, as I've already found a ton of minor things to change.  I would say I've made changes to every other paragraph thus far, so there definitely has been a need to review's just a matter of getting it done now!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Weekend progress....

Looking towards the weekend to hopefully get through Lapdancing 05 and get it submitted.  Currently I'm 30% of the way done with the review, but as I mentioned earlier weekdays are pretty much a wash.  The weekend is really all I have to work with during the summer months and then it's only mornings, so we'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Moving along slowly with review...

Have gotten a few e-mails asking for updates.  Basically there's little to update.  Weekdays are pretty much shot for me due to work, family, and real life taking most of my time during the summer will be on weekends, and then probably only mornings.  It's one of the reasons I mentioned a while back hoping to get Lapdancing done and submitted before the summer, as my time decreases exponentially then until late fall.

Still slowly going through Tuesday in terms of the story...although almost into Wednesday so things are progressing, but not at the pace I was hoping.  Don't want to give any hopes on this weekend, but I do plan on any free time being devoted towards getting through the review...but will keep everybody update on how it's going...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

So yeah, things taking longer than I thought...

I should have realized with a chapter this long, it would take more than a day or two to review...particularly since I focus upon each word, each sentence, and each paragraph, moving them around, deleting or correcting them, and so forth.

My apologies on taking so long...good news is the story is completed, I just need to review it.  Bad news is with my family visiting for the summer, mornings are the best time to review it so time is limited.  I've mentioned before how summers are bad for writing, and a lot of this is that reason...

I'll keep you all updated.  Currently finishing up Tuesday, so slowly working through the week day by day...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Still under review by myself

So although Lapdancing 05 is completed in terms of the rough draft, I have now been reading the entire story through to make sure it complies to my own standards in terms of readability, grammar, and spelling.

There are some things I am catching that spellcheckers will not...for example, "as" instead of "was" and so forth.  But I am also finding repeated sentences and paragraphs that I've deleted, even saying something twice in two different ways and removing an entire paragraph.

Also in some cases I've switched paragraphs around to make it more readable and flow better.

One of the biggest things I've found is an overabundance of those have been getting a thorough deleting, LOL.

I think the final version will be different even from the rough draft doflam has received and it's almost embarrassing knowing they are seeing some of my more blatant errors, LOL...but that's why it's a ROUGH draft.

Currently I'm still on Monday.  As I mentioned in the comments earlier, I have family visiting so only have the early mornings for reviewing, so have been trying to get through it as much as possible, but it is slow.  When I review, I'm often reading entire paragraphs aloud because if it reads odd to say, it definitely will read odd to read if that makes sense.

Still, I hope to have it done this weekend...